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7 Simple Tips For a Stress-Free Christmas

Everyone loves Christmas, but the biggest complaint I hear is, “It gets too hectic.” It’s still the favorite season for most of us, but we do get tired. We still have to make a living; we still have to maintain our daily lives and then we add shopping for gifts, wrapping the gifts, decorating, entertaining or attending parties and possibly baking. It’s fun and festive, but we get tired.

Take some of the stress out of Christmas. Don’t wait until the Christmas season begins to start thinking about it. Plan ahead and you’ll enjoy it even more. Here are seven stress-relieving tips to make your favorite holiday relaxed and worry-free.

1. Decide Who You Want To Buy For 

Make a list of the people you want to buy gifts for. Keep it with you as a reminder, or at the least, keep it in your head. Open your eyes and window shop. When you see something you know you like, go ahead and buy it. And think outside the box. When you shop all year, you have the opportunity to do this. Every Christmas gift doesn’t have to be a sweater or winter-type gift.

 2. Shop from Home

Shop online. Have fun and explore. Many gift sites run promotional off-and-on year round. When you’re not under pressure to buy immediately, you have time to “window shop”. And don’t forget to keep your gift list in front of you. 

3. Record What You Buy

 Make a list of the gifts that you buy: Gifts Purchased. Each time you make a gift purchase, whether it’s on the Internet or in the store, put it on the list. If you know specifically to whom you are giving it, put his or her name next to it. Go back to your Recipients list and write the name of the gift next to the person you are giving it to. You now have a cross-reference. Sound too complicated and organized? It’s not. It’s really easy. If you don’t make some kind of notes, you’ll get real confused when it comes time to wrap. You won’t remember who was supposed to get what. 

4. Buy Decorations in the Off-Season

 Buy Christmas decorations year-round on the Internet. And in the off-season you can get them at reduced prices. Buy your decorations all year and when the Christmas season arrives, you’ll be ready. 

5. Wrap Sooner Not Later

As soon as Christmas wrapping paper is placed on the shelves, start selecting and buying. By this time, you should have a shelf full of presents to wrap. Wrap at your leisure; a few at a time or all at once. Just enjoy it. You have time to make the presents look outstanding. Give them that added decorative touch that will make the recipient feel special and give you the opportunity to be creative.

6. Record What You Wrap

 You have two lists to cross-reference. Check off or make changes as necessary. If you didn’t make a list, you should make one now. Don’t make the mistake I made one year. I got all my wrapping done early, and by the time Christmas came, I couldn’t remember what I was giving everyone or exactly what it looked like. I remember wishing I had a digital camera. I could have taken pictures of the presents before wrapping them. I don’t have to worry about that now. I have a list and a digital camera.

 7. Collect Recipes

Don’t wait until you have to prepare a dish for a party to decide what you want to make. Start collecting recipes from magazines and friends. But don’t stop there. You have plenty of times to try them out. Put stars beside the ones you especially like and will be proud to serve. When the time comes, it will be fast and easy to make choices.

Christmas can be a pleasure, even before the season begins. Enjoy your window-shopping whether it’s in the stores or online. But be ready to buy when you see something you like. Make your choices wisely and keep up with your lists. Following this plan will be a great stress reliever come Christmas time. Have fun and keep on enjoying Christmas.

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